Swarm Wrangling

Monday afternoon I walked outside and I could hear a low humming…. from above.  I knew that sound!  As I gazed upward, I searched the skies for the  bee swarm.  Unfortunately it was a little too bright and I couldn’t see the swarm, but I knew it was there.  A few hours later I was called to assist in capturing a bee swarm.  I ran, grabbed a box to hold the swarm, located the small swarm on the foundation of the house.  Using a shovel and a piece of card board my mother and I collected the bees and their queen into the box.

The next day I set about putting together a hive for the new swarm.  All the parts were located, unfortunately I thought I could use the frames and established comb from a hive we lost this winter.  After spending all of Tuesday extracting the left over honey, I discovered that wax moths were the reason for the death of the poor hive.  Luckily we had the foresight to freeze the frame as soon as it was disassembled.  This honey will be for personal use.  Any and all honey has been thoroughly strained.  I pulled out 22+ pounds of honey!  I was happy/exhausted!

Wednesday I removed all the old wax, to be burned so as to not contaminate the rest of the bees.  It’s time consuming, exhausting and just a little bit gross!  BUT I do need the frames.  after they’re cleaned and washed off I tackle the rest the next day.

Today was the final day of my project, the frames were outfitted with virgin wax foundations.  The hive was finally assembled.  I unceremoniously dumped the bees from their box to their new hive!  I even got the opportunity to mark the queen!  I marked her with pretty pink nail polish!  I’m happy it’s done.  I just hope that there’s a while before the hives swarm again.

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