Category Archives: Uncategorized

Winter Recap

So it seems I lied a wee bit. Fortunately it’s only because I’ve been working my butt off all fall/winter trying to get our house livable. We’ve been knocking down walls like crazy! We’ve been moving the kitchen around and things like that. During my down time I’ve been wasting my life on the internet searching for ideas for projects.

Before the winter hit I was able to finish one of my own personal loves, refinishing and painting furniture. The bureau was left in our house when we moved it. It was the UGLIEST thing I’d ever seen. But it spoke to me, it told me its color and new look. I remember that our realtor lady told us to just throw it out. I looked at her like are you nuts! I told her I already have plans for this beast.

This was my very first time ever using an air gun to paint with. I must say. I’m in love with my air gun. I was so sad when I’d finished painting. The coats went on so nice and uniform and smooth. I can’t wait for the weather to warm up so I can be a painting maniac! I have several chairs and a few bed frames to do as well as a very nice matching sideboard and hutch that I got for Christmas. Oh spring, I deeply look forward to your return!

The Return

I’m back and this time it’s serious! I took the summer off after my husband returned from Iraq. Well… to say that i took the summer off is a little incorrect. This summer I was no slouch! A hooray to us! We finally bought a house! My husband and I have been slaving away to make it habitable. We’ve been here for 2 and a half months already! Woohoo! we’ve managed to put new flooring and paint in the three bedrooms. The finishing touches are soon to come, but as of yet aren’t very important.
We soon aim to finish a cat pen…. We love cat pens, what can I say? CONVIENTLY there was an existing screen house quite close to the house. On top of that an even more well placed basement window. SO we have our cat door and the frame set and the wire laid. Hopefully before the ground freezes we can complete this project…. I HATE cleaning litter boxes.
Since moving to our new home we have adopted 2 more cats and a very random lady ring-neck pheasant. Our two new feisty felines fit in wonderfully with our current cat pride. Our youngest cat… kitten… came from a very good friend of my husband who actually has older siblings from an older litter. We absolutely fell in love with their very relaxed and docile temperament . True to the older siblings our new baby is quite the love bug! Our newest kitty was a stray that showed up on our brand new door step. To which I cried “how do they know where to find me?!” Unfortunately in our area there are no no-kill shelters. She is just a amazing little cat we outright couldn’t let her die.
Our addition of the feathered kind arrived via a good friend of ours who bumped the poor girl with her truck. In shock but perfectly ok, she’s been living in our cat pen….. Annnnnnd must be relocated before the kitties can use it again. It’s alright, I have a great idea! So starts our farm! Hopefully we can get some trees cleared this winter and start marking out the future sites of goat pens and chicken coops! Our bees will make the trip up this winter and be safely nestled in their own spot. We are very much looking forward to this great and fantastic adventure and all that it brings us! Hopefully we can inspire others in our trials and errors and hopefully more successful endeavor